Enjoying Cichlids 2nd Edition

Enjoying Cichlids 2nd Edition

Edited by Ad Konings

This book has been written by 12 authors, each of them a specialist for many years in his or her field, and is the distillation of a total of more than 300 years experience in keeping cichlids. The result is an invaluable guide to the essentials of enjoying cichlids.

The book treats ALL cichlids in a professional and easy to understand manner. The chapters and its author are as follows:

The Aquarium by Ad Konings
The Water by Lasse Forsberg
Filtration by Kjell Fohrman
Food and Feeding by Kjell Fohrman
Live Foods by Charley Grimes
Breeding by Ad Konings
Treating Cichlids by Gary Kratochvil
Tanganyika Cichlids by Ad Konings
Malawi Cichlids by Ad Konings
Victoria Cichlids by Ole Seehausen
Madagascan Cichlids by Sonia Guinane
Other African Cichlids by Mary Bailey
Central American Cichlids by Willem Heijns
South American Cichlids by Mary Bailey
Discus by Dirk Ottlik
Crenicichla and Teleocichla by Frank Warzel
Asian Cichlids by Mary Bailey

Format is 6.25" x 9.25", has 240 pages, and is hard bound (library quality).

ISBN 0-9668255-7-8. $39.50 (plus $3.50 S/H)

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